ramblings, adventures, thoughts, pictures, etc. from an amateur blogger.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

finally florence bound!

well the day has finally arrived and while i'm infamously known for not letting anything rob me of my valuable sleeping time, i can't seem to settle down or make myself tired. so here i am with my blog post letting errbody know that i am leaving TOMORROW (tuesday the 24th) for florence. it's been one of those times in life that i never actually thought would actually come and i am just feeling a whole lot of emotions amidst all the preparation and packing; anticipation for the unexpected and anxiety about leaving my family and friends and excitement for getting to see this dream become a reality and fear because of situations like amanda knox's and the movie taken :).

prayer requests:
-for safe travels because knowing i'll be sleeping while we are flying over the ocean all night makes me a teensy bit nervous. also, traveling in another country and continent in general makes me (as well as my father) a tad nervous…
-fighting a cold that just decided to attack me today. sore/scratchy throat, feeling lethargic, stuffy nose…the works of a pesky cold. prayers for that and that my body will adjust to the cold and humid/often rainy climate when we arrive. allergies tend to flare up when i get in places like that.
-that me and katie would love and serve each other well as we share a room and also an apartment with 4-6 other girls. i pray that it will be a place to encourage each other and that there will be rich conversations and lots of sweet memories.
-that solid relationships would be made with the other students.
-that this experience would draw us closer to our King and cause us to love Him more while our eyes are opened to His fingerprints that span beyond west texas and oceans and language barriers and that we would enjoy this experience, giving praise to our good Father who has created this amazing world that we get to explore.

so! with that being said, a lot of you have asked how there will be communication betwixt me and you lovely people in my life and i have already committed to this blog so that's where you'll get probably longer, more in depth updates (Lord willing) than say twitter (follow me! @eehinton) or Facebook and most definitely instagram (em_hint). i will have my phone but not unlimited text/talk time nor do i want to spend all my time talking to you people while i'm there. sorry i'm not sorry. :) skype will probably be used more than anything so skype me because i'm sure i'll be ready to see everyone's faces sooner or later :) travel time looks like this: midland to houston tomorrow afternoon, houston to frankfurt, germany overnight and frankfurt to florence wednesday evening. florence is 7 hours ahead of central time so about the time you're eating lunch on wednesday we should be unpacking in our apartment in florence!

i'm super thankful for all you who are checking in about the trip and feel free to Facebook, Skype, whatsapp messenger me (app on iphone/droid), text, tweet or whatever whenever you feel like it and hopefully you'll enjoy some semi-frequent blog updates. going to try to catch some shut-eye. expect an update soon after we arrive in florence! ciao for now :)

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